Campus News

Annual House Elections

On 28th November 2019, the annual house elections took place at NIIT University for the positions of house captain and vice-captain (boys and girls). The students of respective houses voted for the most eligible candidate with the hope of their victory. Finally, the house captains and vice-captains were selected after counting the votes given to each nominated student. The environment was  lively with the cheering voices of students. Congradulations to the winning candidiates.

Here’s the list of the winning candidates:

Orange House Captain Boys: Allanki Manikanta

Orange House Captain Girls: Valluru Sri Priya

Orange House Vice-Captain Girls: Manasi Charlu

Orange House Vice-Captain Boys: Gubba Mayank

White House Captain Boys: Tanishq Saini

White House Captain Girls: Manaal Soni

White House Vice-Captain Boys: Kouthagouni Nikhil Reddy

White House Vice-Captain Girls: Charitha Chowdary Madala

Green House Captain Boys: Eagala Rakesh

Green House Captain Girls: Garima Pandit

Green House Vice-Captain Boys: Sneh Kumar Mishra

Green House Vice-Captain Girls: Keerthana Reddy