Campus News

Guess It, If You Can! – A Movie Quiz

On October 20, 2021, Cista- NU Movie Club and Jigyasu- NU Quiz Club joined hands to organise a quiz competition for movie enthusiasts. It was a quiz based on movies that had questions related to the scenes, actors, directors, and songs of famous Bollywood movies. It was an inter-batch competition where each batch could create any number of teams (with three members) to participate. The quiz was organised in the Auditorium with the help of Kahoot App where participants could answer the questions. Three winners were declared at the end based on how quickly they answered and the number of correct answers. The winners were

  1. Team Mayank (PGDBRM Batch, Axis Bank)
  2. Team Poorva (PGDBRM Batch, Axis Bank)
  3. Team Triode (B.Tech Batch 2021-25)

The event was done with appropriate protocols catering to the COVID-19 situation.