Campus News

Change My Mind

‘Change My Mind’ was an inter-batch informal debate event held by Debsoc NIIT University, the Debating Society, on August 23, in the Spine area. The event started with the third years, and the second years debating each other on the topic “Netflix has become a platform that focuses on mass production over quality“. Whilst both sides put up their points eloquently, the audience eventually chose the third years’ side.

The other debates were as follows:

Third Years vs. First Years: “Women’s Reservation System in Education is Good” – Winners: Third Years

Third and Fourth Years vs. First and Second Years: “Free Wi-Fi Should Be Legal in India” – Winners: Third and Fourth Years.

Following these debates, a free-for-all debate was held on the topic “Foul Language Isn’t Bad” where participants could choose their stance. The audience voted in favor of those supporting the statement. A bonus debate was on the topic “iMBA vs Btech: which is tougher?” where students belonging in the technological department and the management department faced off, and the technological students were eventually declared the winners of the round.

The final debate, on the topic “Spending over Rs. 10,000 on concert tickets is unreasonable”, had the participants defending their personal choices and their support for artistry. The conclusion of the debate had the whole forum rethinking the choices they have been making. Post-event, the winners of the event were declared to be the third years with the representatives being:

S Aadhira – iMBA, Batch of 2022
Sarabjoth Singh Bhatia – Btech, Batch of 2022
Agnishwar Raychaudhuri – Btech, Batch of 2022
Toril Jain – Btech, Batch of 2022
Swastik Tripathy – Btech, Batch of 2022

The winners were all awarded TMP coupons provided by Stud Cops.