Campus News

The Developer Student CLub of NIIT University (DSC-NU)

DSC-NU held its first introductory session on 27th September 2020 where students were introduced to the club on a virtual platform. The objective of the session was to educate the students about the Google DSC community and how it will be profitable for them to join the club. The students were introduced to various projects that they will be working on. These projects will help enhance their technical skills.

On 30th September 2020, another session was held under DSC-NU which was led by Ninad Kanchan, B. Tech Batch 2018-22. He is the official facilitator for the ‘30 days of the Google Cloud’ initiative. The session was an introductory session for the ‘30 Days of Google Cloud’ initiative which started on 5th October 2020 and will end on 5th November 2020. It focuses on teaching university undergraduates the fundamentals of Google Cloud Platform and the various services surrounding it. Students can take part by completing one of the two tracks, the Data Science track or the Cloud Engineering Track. After successfully completing them, they will win certificates and goodies such as t-shirts, sticker packs, laptop bags directly from Google.