..And the ball rolled off

It seemed to me now objectifying all the ways,

the ways led by the desire.

It went higher but could be improvised on whole.

The clarity it meant for long.

I wasn’t that far to come back,

of the covered; as when I realized to dream 

of someone, something to peak.

As when I felt stubborn the inns,

it rather ran down scrolling out of the chins.

through hands, they felt helpless;

Fortified their thoughts of being that deep.

As I try to move off the circle,

it turned to choke me as hell.

There were the likes.

the lies no differing,

of the confusion it created being 

of the color of the same,

already meant and sent.

to visualize the craze of homes 

I would always like to get into,

to have the joy in laps of the true lovers.

how could it all roll off

when I was so easy to

gather it all; and as I went by 

in hopes of holding it for long,

and thought of deviating at last,

the ball just rolled off!



Shreya Nigam                                                            
B.Tech III